07398 597492 contact@lappinhr.co.uk

Can you afford to pay a £21,000 settlement to an employee for something YOU did wrong?

Book your FREE HR health check to make sure you’re legally compliant and protect yourself from costly employee claims

In the last published report from the Ministry of Justice, the average settlement pay-out averaged £21,000. That’s a lot of money.

But a lot of claims can be avoided, if your business stays legally compliant and you follow best HR practices.

The problem is that employment law is always changing. And COVID only speeded things up for you. So, on top of everything you’ve been dealing with, it’s now really important to make sure your HR paperwork is up to date and provides you with the protection you and your business needs.

That’s why we offer a free HR health check – to make sure your business is doing everything it needs right now to stay legally compliant and to give you peace of mind.

To complete the free HR health check, we’ll need to look at your documents and ask you few questions. We’ll then feedback our findings to you via a report and during a short call.

The check is completely free and without any obligation to buy from us in the future.

Sleep easier at night knowing your HR has been checked over by an expert.

Book your free HR Health check today.